The Perth Garden New Year’s Checklist

The Perth Garden New Year’s Checklist

Nearly all living things observe that time of the year.

For birds, it is migration. For bears, it is hibernation. For most people it’s the holidays! For gardeners, however, it is ordering new seeds and praying that they get the packaging right this time.

You read that right, gardeners of Australia. It is time to look back at the previous year’s harvest and look forward to enriching our spent garden dirt for plant habitation. Let Perth Gardening lead the way.

Starting Fresh: Plants to Kick Off the New Gardening Year

Starting Fresh: Plants to Kick Off the New Gardening Year

Many things change when the New Year rolls around. It is the time for self-improvement and discovery — at least for the first few weeks. Every year brings an opportunity to plant seeds of personal growth, as well as the distractions to make us forget to water them. We here at Perth Gardening feel your pain. Why not plant actual seeds today, and try the personal ones again next year? Or the year after that?

Summer Gardening Care: Help Your Garden Through the Heat

Summer Gardening Care: Help Your Garden Through the Heat

Extremely high temperatures are a reality during summers in Australia, and it isn’t just people who face the risk of dehydration. Your garden’s plants are especially vulnerable during this time and you can lose all the hard work you did back in spring in a day if you aren’t careful.

Keeping your plants healthy during the long summer months may prove troublesome, but it isn’t impossible to do. Read on below for some ways you can ensure your garden’s health during summer.

Watering and keeping your soil moist

Make sure you give your plants an extra dose of water when the heat starts to climb. The important thing here is to make sure the soil is moist at all times so that the plants don’t dehydrate under the heat. Make sure your reticulation system is the right one for your garden and installed and optimised properly to keep your garden at its best even in hot seasons.

If you have potted plants, make sure to give them extra water. Plants like these generally have shorter roots and they are often the first to wither away during summer since they can’t get that much water from the soil. You may want to move them somewhere shady when you water them so that the soil doesn’t dry out quickly.

Speaking of soil, take special care handling plants that have generally sandy soil. These tend to dry out really fast, which can prove fatal if you don’t water them regularly. To help improve sandy soil keep it moisturized, mix it with some clay or add a wetting agent to help retain moisture better.

Think your soil or plants aren’t as healthy as they should be? Read our blog on checking for nutrient deficiencies.

Worrisome Weeds

Weeds tend to proliferate during the summer, and this can prove troublesome to your garden’s plants if they start popping out. Unlike your choice plants and flowers, they thrive in the heat as they are able to consume water more efficiently. The downside is that these weeds will start consuming all the water in the soil, leaving your plants parched and at risk of wilting and withering away.

You need to get rid of weeds as soon as possible after you see them growing in your lawn or garden them as soon as possible. Use a spade to remove the entire weed as it can regrow even if just a small part of its root remains in the soil. If there’s a persistent root, then you may want to get help from a professional to remove the weed thoroughly. Head here for methods of weed control you can use in your garden.

At Perth Gardening, we know that hydrating your plants and soil isn’t the only thing that you need to do to ensure your garden survives the harsh summer months. We provide extensive gardening services, from organic gardening, mulching, to weed control services.

Do you need help with your garden or lawn? Contact us today and let’s discuss how we can help.

Why Are Garden Clean Ups Important Before the Temperature Changes?

Why Are Garden Clean Ups Important Before the Temperature Changes?

Garden Clean Ups – worth the work!

The garden does more than add aesthetic value to a home; it provides homeowners with a place where they can relax and enjoy nature. Studies have shown that plants have a calming effect on people, especially if they are suffering from an illness or dealing with the daily grind of stress at work.

Your garden needs maintenance to keep pests away and to prepare it once the temperature changes. Heat, excessive water from rain and cold weather may damage your plants or prevent them from growing properly.

Keep Your Garden Beautiful

Pests and insects will damage plants or crops you plant in your garden. These will ruin the aesthetics and landscaping by eating leaves and roots. Leaving debris and food will create an environment where pests will thrive. It is important to clean up after inclement weather to clear away potential habitats for pesky animals.

Temperature is one of the factors that affect the growth of plants. If it is too hot, wet or cold, plants will die or will not grow the way you want them to. Exposure to intense sunsets stunts the growth of a plant and gives it a yellow-white burn on the upper surface of some of its leaves. The collection of debris in your garden will cover certain parts and create zones where heat gathers.

When you remove garbage or debris from your garden, you prepare it for temperature change and keep plants healthy regardless of the torrential rains or summer heat.

Perth Gardening Services

Perth Gardening are the experts in everything concerning gardens; we provide various services from installing garden beds to making sure everything is cleaned up. Our team has the experience and training to deliver precisely what you need.

Our clean up services keep shrubs, grass and hedges in your lawn under control. We remove and take care of any weed problems you may have. We offer lawn mowingpruning or fertilising services to keep your landscape looking its very best.

Contact us to find out how we can help you clean up your garden or any other service you may need.

Edging: Giving That Extra EDGE Every Garden Needs

Edging: Giving That Extra EDGE Every Garden Needs

Garden edging – add that extra edge.

Edging is a great way to create order and clean lines within your garden design; not just that, but in itself edging can become a feature in your garden by shaping your garden beds – you can even choose a colour which compliments the theme of your design.

Here is the lowdown on using edging in your garden.
