February Gardening Tips to Make The Most out of Perth’s Summer Season

February Gardening Tips to Make The Most out of Perth’s Summer Season

Australia sees very dry weather during this time of the year with February being the last month of summer.

It is our goal at Perth Gardening Company to provide garden owners with timely and proper guidance to ensure that your front and backyard are in tip top shape during this season.

Hence, we highly encourage garden owners to water less often during these hot and dry periods. This would ensure that your plants’ roots would grow downwards and make them less vulnerable to drying out.

We also advice that you take advantage of the hot weather to weed your garden. Just make sure that you lay the weeds on top of the soil so it could dry out and become mulch.

Of course, you should also be mindful to remove the seeding parts first to prevent them from growing back.

Start pruning your fruit trees this summer, and maintain their sizes by cutting new green growth.

For your citrus trees, feed them and top up mulch (by using compost or old manure) over its roots, keeping clear of the trunk

Feed citrus trees, and top up mulch (use compost or old manure) over roots, keeping clear of trunk.

Start pruning your summer raspberries, cut out old canes and tie new canes after the fruits have been picked

Begin Propagation of semi-ripe cuttings during mid to late summer and utilize rooting hormones.


Here’s a list of other pointers for you to do in order to prepare your garden for the coming seasons:

  • Cut and dry herbs for winter use and collect ripening seeds for plants you wish to propagate.
  • Divide perennials towards the end of the month, or leave until March if your garden is experiencing drought.
  • Sow cool season green manure crops then have them dug in during autumn before they begin flowering.
  • This month is also the last opportunity for you to sow warm season green manure plants.
  • Carefully observe your water gardens and ponds as water levels decrease exponentially due to evaporation. For aquatic plants, this time of the year may cause them to become overgrown.

Make the most out of summer’s last month by ensuring that your plants are more resilient to drought and the dry weather.

How to Grow Roses From Cuttings

How to Grow Roses From Cuttings

Propagating Roses From Cuttings

Roses can be intimidating but they are actually easy to grow even at home. Passionate growers can try propagating roses from cuttings just by following simple instructions. There is no training necessary to create your own beautiful rose garden.

About Rose Cuttings

Cuttings come from the stem and may be taken at various points in a plant’s life. Roses are more forgiving than some plants. Rooting hormones may be used to stimulate development.

Planting Preparations

The softwood cuttings must be planted as soon as possible. This means that the spots should be prepared in advance. They can be placed at the outdoor garden or in deep trays. Be sure to avoid direct light to avoid excessive heat. However, the spot should still be bright enough during the day. The north and east sides of the house are good options. The soil should be cultivated up to 6 inches deep. Add sand to help the roots penetrate with ease. For planting in trays, use a soil mix consisting of vermiculite and coarse sand in equal measure. Add plenty of water.

How to Get the Cuttings

Understand that there are no specific calendar dates for this activity. Everything depends on the weather, geographic area, and plant readiness. Start by gathering the tools needed such as a sharp knife, a small dish, a stick, and some warm water. Get the cuttings early in the morning from the healthy plants.

Find stems located between a woody base and a withered bloom. This portion can be turned into a few cuttings. Slice in a 45-degree angle and place it in the water at once. Moisture is essential. A stem may be divided into several 6-inch cuttings. Take out all leaves save for a set on the top. Dip their bottoms into the rooting hormone.

Take your stick and create holes on your rooting bed. A pencil will do just as well. Every hole must be around 4 inches deep and wide enough that the cuttings can be inserted without removing the hormone. The bottom half and two nodes must be covered by the soil. Ensure that the base surrounding them is firm.

Caring for the Fresh Cuttings

Provide ideal conditions by creating a small greenhouse from an upside-down jar over the cuttings. If you have clean plastic bottles, then remove the cap and cut the bottom to use them here. You could also insert twigs around the edges and cover the top with a clear plastic sheet. Water the container regularly but be careful not to overdo it. Expect roots to start showing in around two weeks. Fish-based fertilizers can add vital nutrients to the soil. Once they are ready, the new roses may be transplanted to their permanent spots in the garden.

Perth Gardening

If you want professionals to create your own beautiful rose garden, contact our team at Perth Gardening today. Our skilled employees have the knowledge and experience to create top quality work with top-notch customer service. We will help you create a garden that fits your space and your personal taste, reflecting your needs to ensure you will get the most enjoyment possible from your outdoor space.

Hire a Gardener to Perform Garden Maintenance Services

Hire a Gardener to Perform Garden Maintenance Services

Taking care of your lawn and gardens requires more than just getting the kid down the street to mow  and weed every other week.

But having a yard that’s the envy of the neighborhood doesn’t have to mean giving up every weekend to roll in the dirt.

Hiring garden maintenance services can make all the difference in taming and maintaining your lawn — even if you do have a green thumb.

Winter Gardening Tips for Perth

Winter Gardening Tips for Perth

With the temperature dropping, many plants are now slowing their growth rates and eventually will become dormant but this is not the case for every plant.  Weeds will be growing more than ever!

Winter is also a great time to prune your trees and shrubs and plant annual bulbs, but also is good for planning for the next season, and checking your reticulation system is in good shape.

Read more to find out what should be done in your Perth garden this Winter.

Top Dressing Lawn

Top Dressing Lawn

What is topdressing?

Topdressing is a method used in lawn care, and is the application of sand or a soil mix to the surface of your lawn. It is used to level out small indentations in the lawn and create a smooth level surface across the lawn.
