It’s the middle of Spring and there is loads to be done in your Perth garden to boost it’s growth, improve it’s look and get it healthy and happy and ready for Summer!

October is an exciting time for gardening in Perth as spring is in full swing and things are growing, the weather is lovely and it’s a very inviting season to spend time in your garden. The warmer weather and longer days are perfect for getting all the garden tasks complete, ready for the summer months.

If the idea of doing the work doesn’t excite you, but you want a lovely and healthy garden, just get in touch with our gardening team and we would love to help take some of the load off your plate!

Must-Do October Garden Maintenance Tasks

Spring in Perth means growth and increased heat! This month, you’ll want to do everything possible to protect, prevent and improve the health of your plants so they can withstand the Perth summer that is coming for us.

Here are some of our top tips for the garden maintenance tasks you should be tackling this month:

1. Water Efficiently.

As temperatures rise, proper watering becomes essential. Water deeply but less frequently to encourage deep root growth. Early morning is the best time to water to minimise evaporation. Make sure to run your system maually to check coverage; are there plants, grass or branches that need trimming back to ensure the water gets where it needs to go? Call a reticulation company for a health check and service if you want a professional to do this for you.

2. Fertilise for Growth.

Your plants need nutrients to thrive, especially as they enter their active growing phase. Apply a balanced fertiliser or compost to give your plants and lawns a boost. Use slow-release fertilisers for longer-lasting effects. Tip: Add liquid seaweed or fish emulsion to improve plant health and soil structure. This is especially beneficial for flowering plants and vegetables.

3. Prune Spring Flowering Shrubs.

Once spring-flowering shrubs like wisteria, camellias, and azaleas have finished blooming, it’s time to prune them. This encourages healthy growth and prepares them for next year’s blooms. Tip: Use sharp pruning shears and focus on removing dead, diseased, or crossing branches to open up the plant for better airflow and sunlight.

4. Control Pests and Diseases

Warmer weather brings pests like aphids, whiteflies, and caterpillars. Keep an eye on your plants and act early. Use eco-friendly pest control options like neem oil or insecticidal soap to combat infestations. Grubs feed on roots and can eventually kill plants and are most active in Spring.

5. Lawn Care

Your lawn will start growing faster in October. It’s a good time to mow regularly again, but don’t cut it too short. Fertilise your lawn with a high-nitrogen fertiliser to encourage healthy growth and thick coverage. Make sure to tidy the edges and prevent any extra growth spreading into your garden beds.

6. Mulch for Water Retention

We always talk about mulching as it’s so important for garden health! Mulching is especially critical in Perth’s dry climate. It helps conserve soil moisture, prevent water run-off and evaporation and keeps roots cool as the temperatures rise. Apply a thick layer of organic mulch around the base of your plants. Tip: Keep mulch away from the stems of plants to prevent rot and pests.

What to Plant in Perth in October

  • Native Australian plants like kangaroo paw, grevillea, and banksia thrive in Perth’s climate and require less water.
  • Tomatoes: Plant seedlings in well-drained soil with plenty of sun. They’ll need staking as they grow.
  • Capsicum (Bell Peppers): These thrive in the heat and should be planted in a sunny spot with rich soil.
  • Zucchini: Easy to grow and perfect for a sunny garden bed.
  • Cucumbers: Plant in full sun and provide a trellis for them to climb.
  • Pumpkins: These sprawling plants need space and love the heat, so plant in a large area with plenty of room to spread.
  • Beans (French & Climbing): Plant directly into the ground or in pots, giving climbing varieties a trellis for support.
  • Herbs: Basil, Parsley and Mint all love a bit of sun.
  • Oregano & Thyme: Both are hardy herbs that can be planted in sunny spots and tolerate dry conditions.
  • Zinnias: Hardy and drought-tolerant, these flowers will thrive in Perth’s climate.
  • Lavender: A fragrant addition to any garden, lavender loves full sun and well-drained soil.
  • Agapanthus: A hardy perennial that will flower beautifully in summer. Plant in full sun or part shade in early Spring.
  • Strawberries, Citrus and Melons can also be planted in Spring.

Tips for Planting in October

  • Mulch: As temperatures rise, adding mulch around your plants helps to retain moisture and keep roots cool.
  • Watering: Water early in the morning to minimise evaporation and give plants a good start to the day.
  • Fertilising: Apply slow-release fertiliser or compost to give new plants a nutrient boost.

If you need help with your yard this October just contact our team to find out how we can help your garden get the best start to Spring and beyond – garden maintenance is what we do!