The Beginner’s Guide to Tree Trimming For a Better Yard

The Beginner’s Guide to Tree Trimming For a Better Yard

You likely already know that filling your yard with beautiful trees can help to increase your home’s curb appeal and value.

Still, in order to keep things looking great, you’ll need frequent tree trimming!

Doing so will get rid of any diseased branches, let more sunlight in, and help your tree to live longer!

In this post, we’re telling you everything you need to know about the basics of tree trimming!

5 Useful Tips to Beautify your Garden

5 Useful Tips to Beautify your Garden

Do you want to create a garden that’s as beautiful as the great outdoors?

We thought so.

Well, if you want to make the most of your garden, you will need to spruce up your landscape.

To ensure you can enjoy your garden come rain or shine, here are 5 useful garden maintenance tips.

1. Tidy up

If you want to give your garden a new lease of life, it might be as simple as giving it a through tidy-up.

You can do so by raking the leaves, removing fallen tree branches, mowing the lawns, pulling up any weeds, pruning the hedges and giving your porch, deck and paving a much-needed pressure or power wash.

You can also freshen up your landscape by repainting the deck, mulching the garden beds, and topping-up any gravel you might have lost from rain or summer games which got out of hand.

You will be surprised at the difference a really good cleanup can bring to your garden!

2. Add more trees or shrubs

Nothing brings the great outdoors to your garden quite like lush trees and shrubs.

Yet, don’t go overboard or you could make the garden appear too crowded and cramped.

While they can be a beautiful addition to your garden, they will need maintenance in the future.

Only add the trees and shrubs you will be able to maintain and will suit the size of your space. Read here for how to choose the right tree for your design.

To add color and personality to your garden, select from a range of contrasting plant colours.

Hedges will also add some privacy to your garden, so you don’t have to worry about prying neighbors.

3. Create a pathway

Add a touch of style and homeliness to your garden with a pathway winding around or cutting through your space.

You can choose from different materials to create your garden style, such as concrete, tile, stones or brick.

It’s one of the best landscaping solutions, because not only does it look great but it’s practical.

The path will tell visitors not to stand on the grass, without you having to do so, and offer a safe path even in wet and rainy seasons.

You will also be able to maintain your lawn for much longer, as a result.

If you do not have the confidence to create the pathway yourself, you could always hire a professional landscaper to do it.

4. Paint bricks, rocks or landscape pavers

Dare to be different in your garden and paint bricks, rocks or landscape pavers.

It can make your garden pop with color, and will not cost much money to do either.

All they will need is a fresh lick of paint to create a landscape that’s unique and beautiful.

You could even give river rocks a modern, clean look by painting them a fresh white.

It could even help to breathe new life into an old brick wall.

Ensure you invest in a good primer to ensure the top coat will last for years to come.

Pop over to our landscaping site to find out why colors matter in a garden design.

5. Lawn landscaping solutions

Bald, brown and lifeless grass will create a garden that will make you want to shut the door and close the blinds.

So, it is important to maintain your healthy, lush grass as much as possible.

You should aim to protect a lawn from hot temperatures.

Temperatures up to 26°C will promote the lawn’s growth. Unfortunately, temperatures above 30°C will only stunt it.

If the temperature is set to soar, try not to cut the lawn too short.

The grass (Buffalo species) should be left to about 4cm. This will prevent the soil from drying out and can protect it from the sun.

The best time to water your grass is between 4 am to 8 am.

Aim to apply 10mm of water on your lawn as this is what is allowed by the water corporation.

Try not to over-water the grass, though, as this could result in mold formation.

Guide to Watering Plants

Guide to Watering Plants

So, you just started a garden and aren’t sure when and how much to water it.

We understand.

Not watering your garden enough can result in lower quality and quantity of crops. But an overabundance could drown your crops and plants.

Over-watered plants can look healthy at first. However, they soon start to droop, look mushy, and develop fungus.

We want you to succeed in your gardening endeavours so we created this article for you to learn when the right time is to water your garden as well as how to water plants.

Reducing and Eliminating Your Rodent Problem

Reducing and Eliminating Your Rodent Problem

Gardens are so beautiful.

They can provide us with many hours of enjoyment. Whether that’s looking at your garden, or even working in your garden.

What’s not so enjoyable is the rodent problem that might be wreaking havoc on all your hard work.

Mice and other rodents can really wreck your lawn or garden if you aren’t paying attention.

So you can get the most out of your garden, here are a few ideas you can use in reducing and eliminating your rodent problem.

How to Garden Without Wasting Water: 5 Simple Tips

How to Garden Without Wasting Water: 5 Simple Tips

Water usage tripled over the last 50 years. And while only ten percent of the water used goes toward domestic usage, it’s up to each and every one of us to do our part and lessen our consumption.

And yet, how do you lessen your consumption?

One of the biggest offenders in the area of water waste at home is the lawn and garden.

You can save a lot of water and save on your water bill if you reduce how much water you waste in the garden.

So, it’s time to learn to garden without wasting water.
