Bird Gardens – Prepare Your Garden for Birds

Bird Gardens – Prepare Your Garden for Birds

Plants make a garden, as a garden makes a home — especially for birds.

People tend to their gardens in different ways. Some observe the rules, while others do not. There are a limited amount of people who take the rules to heart and beyond, growing clinical, pristine patches of flora even nature could not replicate. These artistically maintained gardens are a horticultural, even scientific, marvel. We are not going to talk about those today.

Instead, we at Perth Gardening will discuss how we can make our gardens more representative of nature. That is, flora and fauna. More of the flying variety.

The Perth Garden New Year’s Checklist

The Perth Garden New Year’s Checklist

Nearly all living things observe that time of the year.

For birds, it is migration. For bears, it is hibernation. For most people it’s the holidays! For gardeners, however, it is ordering new seeds and praying that they get the packaging right this time.

You read that right, gardeners of Australia. It is time to look back at the previous year’s harvest and look forward to enriching our spent garden dirt for plant habitation. Let Perth Gardening lead the way.

Starting Fresh: Plants to Kick Off the New Gardening Year

Starting Fresh: Plants to Kick Off the New Gardening Year

Many things change when the New Year rolls around. It is the time for self-improvement and discovery — at least for the first few weeks. Every year brings an opportunity to plant seeds of personal growth, as well as the distractions to make us forget to water them. We here at Perth Gardening feel your pain. Why not plant actual seeds today, and try the personal ones again next year? Or the year after that?

Edging: Giving That Extra EDGE Every Garden Needs

Edging: Giving That Extra EDGE Every Garden Needs

Garden edging – add that extra edge.

Edging is a great way to create order and clean lines within your garden design; not just that, but in itself edging can become a feature in your garden by shaping your garden beds – you can even choose a colour which compliments the theme of your design.

Here is the lowdown on using edging in your garden.

Companion Planting Guide

Companion Planting Guide

Many gardeners are discovering that by using companion planting they can discourage garden pests with the additional benefit of not harming helpful insects such as bees and ladybugs. Through their odours or root secretions some herbs and flowers are able to deter pests naturally as well as improving growth and flavour.

Companion Planting

Many herbs and flowers are natural insect repellents that can keep your garden pest free and eliminate or reduce the need for potentially harmful pesticides.

Companion planting is the ultimate way to bring the balance of nature into your garden. When choosing what to grow in your garden, just do your best to match the suitable herb with the suitable plant when planting and the results will follow.

tomato and basil plants gardening

Companion Plants That Grow Well Together

BASIL: Plant with tomatoes to improve growth and flavour and to repel flies and mosquitoes. Do not plant near rue.

BEE BALM (Oswego): Plant with tomatoes to improve growth and flavour.

BORAGE: Companion plant for tomatoes, squash and strawberries. Deters tomato worms.

CARAWAY: Good for loosening compacted soil

CATNIP: Deters flea beetles.

CAMOMILE: Improves the flavour of cabbages and onions.

CHERVIL: Companion to radishes for improved growth and flavour.

CHIVES: Improves growth and flavour of carrots.

DILL: Improves growth and health of cabbage. Do not plant near carrots.

FENNEL: Most plants dislike it. Plant by itself.

FLAX: Plant with carrots, and potatoes.

GARLIC: Plant near roses to repel aphids.

HORSERADISH: Plant in the potato patch to keep away potato bugs.

HYSSOP: Companion plant to cabbage and grapes, deters cabbage moths. Do not plant near radishes.

MARIGOLDS (Calendula): The workhorse of pest deterrents. Keeps the soil free of nematodes; discourages many insects. Plant freely throughout the garden.

MARJORAM: Improves the flavour of all vegetables.

MINT: Deters white cabbage moths and improves the health of cabbage and tomatoes.

NASTURTIUMS: Plant with tomatoes, radishes, cabbage, cucumbers, and under fruit trees. Deters aphids and pests of the curcurbit family.

PARSLEY: Plant with tomatoes and asparagus.

PEPPERMINT: Repels white cabbage moths.

PETUNIAS: They repel the asparagus beetle, tomato worm and general garden pests. Also, a good companion to tomatoes, but plant everywhere.

PURSLANE: This edible weed makes good ground cover in the corn.

ROSEMARY: Companion plant to cabbage, beans, carrots and sage. Deters cabbage moths, bean beetles, and carrot flies.

RUE: Deters Japanese beetles in roses and raspberries.

SAGE: Companion plant with rosemary, cabbage and carrots to deter cabbage moths, beetles, carrot flies. Do not plant near cucumbers.

SOUTHERNWOOD: Plant with cabbage, and here and there in the garden.

SUMMER SAVORY: Plant with beans and onions to improve growth and flavour. Discourages cabbage moths.

TANSY: Plant with fruit trees, roses and raspberries. Deters flying insects, Japanese beetles, striped cucumber beetles, squash bugs, and ants.

TARRAGON: Plant throughout the garden as not many pests like this one.

THYME: Deters cabbage worms.

WORMWOOD: Keeps animals out of the garden when planted as a border.

If you need some help in determining the right plants for your garden, or assistance in maintaining your gardens just contact the team at Perth Landscaping and Gardening for a free quote.

6 Amazing Health Benefits of Gardening

6 Amazing Health Benefits of Gardening

Gardening ensures our children have a lovely environment to play in, we have a relaxing place to entertain friends and family, and/or a supply of home-grown fruits, herbs and vegetables.

But did you know that regular participation in gardening offers some amazing health benefits too?!

Gardening health benefits

  1. Self-esteem and Stress Relief

After completing a stressful task, a Dutch study asked half of their participants to garden for 30mins and the other half to read indoors. The gardening group reported better moods and displayed measurable lower cortisol levels. Cortisol is the stress hormone and it has the power to impact on more than just mood. Chronically high levels of cortisol have been linked to a range of issues including memory and learning difficulties, heart disease, lower immune function and obesity.

  1. Hand Strength and Dexterity

Gardening helps to keep hand muscles agile without the need for specialist exercises. Related research has been the inspiration for rehabilitation programmes for stroke patients involving gardening as an effective way of rebuilding both agility and strength.

But take it easy – gardening can also be a starting point for repetitive stress injuries, carpal tunnel and tendonitis – remember to do a few simple warm-ups, alternate the use of your right and left hands (to avoid strain and for balance), change tasks frequently before strain occurs and position your body so that you are comfortable.

gardening tools gardens perth
  1. Immunity Regulation

This one is a great one! Not only are you absorbing Vitamin D to help you fight colds and flus, but the dirt under your fingernails is helping your immune system too. The friendly soil bacteria called Mycobacterium vaccae and common in garden soil is absorbed by ingestion on vegetables or inhalation. It’s been found to ease symptoms of allergies, asthma, psoriasis which can all stem from a compromised immune system. This friendly bacteria has also been shown to alleviate depression so getting your hands dirty is good for your physical and mental health.

  1. Stroke Risk Reduction and Heart Health

Gardening is a way to achieve your target 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity exercise each week. A large Stockholm study found that regular gardening reduces stroke and heart attack risk by up to 30% for those over 60. Make sure to expose your limbs (without sunscreen) for just 10 minutes during midday gardening: this will give you enough vitamin D to reduce risks of heart disease, osteoporosis, and various cancers. Try for 30 minutes of gardening a day: if your schedule won’t let you fit in half an hour at a stretch, try a quick 15 minutes in the morning, and another 15 later. Too much sitting is dangerous for your health, so break it up as much as you can with little spurts of activity like gardening.

  1. Mental Health and Depression

The growing field of ‘horticultural therapy’ is giving proven results for patients with depression and other mental illnesses. The benefits appear to be based on a combination of physical activity, awareness of natural surroundings, cognitive stimulation and the satisfaction of the work. To build the therapeutic properties of your own garden, aim for a combination of food-producing, scented, and flowering plants to nourish all the senses. Add a comfortable seat so you can continue to bask in the garden while you take breaks and relax. Letting your body get a little hot and sweaty might also have hidden benefits: as devotees of hot baths and saunas can attest, elevated body temperatures are also correlated with increased feelings of well-being. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water and know your limits.

  1. Brain Health and Alzheimer’s Risk

A long-term study followed nearly 3000 older adults for 16 years, tracking the incidence of all kinds of dementia and assessing a variety of lifestyle factors. Researchers found daily gardening to represent the single biggest risk reduction for dementia, reducing incidence by 36%. Another study estimated the risk reduction at 47%. Alzheimer’s is a mysterious disease and the factors influencing its progression and incidence remain largely misunderstood but gardening involves so many of our critical functions, including strength, endurance, dexterity, learning, problem-solving, and sensory awareness, so its benefits are likely to span a wide range of issues.

So for a boost to your mental and physical health, get out into the garden and get your hands dirty. Your body, mind and plants will thank you for it.

If your garden requires a bit more attention than you can handle on your own just contact Perth Landscaping and Gardening, we’re happy to help.